Steph's Wordplay

My thoughts on reading, writing and all things word related.

Archive for the month “February, 2013”

Writing Every Day – Update #2

So, wow.  It’s been over a month since I started my writing every day project.  It started out really well.  I was writing nearly every day, even weekends and I was making a lot of progress on a lot of different things.  It was brilliant!

And then……..

A co-worker took a position at another company at the end of January.  Not only was I crushed as she’d become a good friend and I was going to miss seeing her everyday, but it also meant I was going to have to take on a bunch more work.  Long story short, I had to take on several extra clients and my days were suddenly wall to wall work.  By the time I left at night, got home and got dinner, it was time for bed and my brain was mush.  Writing my name became a chore.

Writing every day has now become writing several times a week, if I’m lucky.  This post, for example, has taken three days to write.  My boss tells me we should be getting a new person soon and I’ll be able to transfer these extra clients off to them and I won’t be so harried.  Crossing my fingers that happens before I lose my mind!

Anyway, I’m still plugging away and I’m trying not to be discouraged.  I’ve still got lots of ideas circling about, so my muse has not abandoned me due to neglect.  I was able to post a new chapter on my Supernatural fanfiction earlier this week and I’m posting this today, so it’s keeping me going.

If you have any suggestions for how to keep writing during stressful times, please sound off in the comments!

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